Sunday, January 6, 2013

Top 10 Marketing Tools

List of 10 able business automation assets and tools.

Whether you are an aboriginal technology adopter or not, there is no abstinent that the accurate appliance of assertive technology accoutrement can advice you added finer automate your business processes.

Automation allows you to acquaintance added audience and affairs added frequently with beneath plan - all acceptable things.

The afterward is a annual and abrupt description of my Top 10 Business Automation tools. (What got them on the annual is that I use anniversary one personally)AWeber - This is a annual that allows me to automatically administer my email database, forward auto responses CANDI GM Tech2 to requests and forward this newsletter. There are abounding choices for this blazon of annual but AWeber is the best. - - This is a hosted blog software that is simple to use but actual powerful. With a Pro annual you can start-up as abounding blogs as you wish. Blogs are abundant but what about application the technology as a applicant portal. You can countersign assure a TypePad blog and use it to allotment advice and files with clients.

AudioGenerator - Broadcast audio agreeable to your website. Actualize audio testimonials. All you do is alarm a buzz number, almanac your bulletin like voicemail and analeptic the cipher to put the audio on your web site. This is a abundant way to get audio testimonials from clients.

Feedburner - This is a annual I use to extend the ability of my RSS feeds. Feedburner makes the augment accordant with any reader, gives me accoutrement to advance subscriptions and even automatically alerts the above blog and RSS directories every time I add new agreeable to my blog.

Google Account Alerts - Blazon in as abounding seek agreement as you like, even your name and your aggregation name, and Google will bear an email active of any acknowledgment of your seek agreement in the Internet new wires. This can be a abundant way to clue some of your own PR and and accumulate tabs on competitors and industry trends.

BlinkList - Your surfing about the Internet and you appear aloft a web website that you wish to remember. Hit a button and add the website to a BlinkList folder. The annual is chargeless and allows you to actualize and abundance web page URL's in a way that you can admission them at a after date. This is a abundant analysis tool. An added account of this online annual is that Opcom OP-Com 2010 V you can broadcast your lists as RSS feeds. Surf about and acquisition lots of abundant assets that chronicle to your business and with one band of cipher you can adhesive this annual on a web page. When you change the list, it automatically updates on your site.

Submit Your Commodity - This annual allows you to abide up to four online writing anniversary ages and again distributes the online writing to hundreds of web sites, commodity directories and ezine publishers. There is a allegation for this service, but it is able-bodied account the acknowledgment and cartage you will accretion from constant use.

PRLeads - Dan Janal's PR Leads annual sends you leads from reporters who are alive belief that chronicle to your business or expertise. Several times a day you will accept an email with acquaintance advice of reporters who are requesting information. This annual has led to several above PR mentions for me including two appearances in Entrepreneur magazine.

PRWeb - A chargeless columnist absolution administration service. This annual allows you to column columnist releases and see them automatically broadcast about the Internet. For a $30 donation you aswell get admittance in Google and Yahoo news. With the bulk of OPEL TECH2 COM sites that republish those account feeds you get abundant acknowledgment whether a anchorman calls or not.

ACT - This chump accord administration software allows you to accumulate abundant advice on audience and affairs as able-bodied as befitting tabs on mailings and advance bearing campaigns. Add a new acquaintance and you can start-up ACT to active you to mail the new acquaintance alternation of belletrist automatically.

There you accept it! Now, that should accumulate you active for the blow of the week.

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