Sunday, January 13, 2013

Magic Number Calculator - A Diagnostic Approach to Sales Performance

I absolved into a VP of Sales mission with a sales alignment consisting of 120 reps advance out over 12 sales regions. They were active at 38% of acquirement ambition for over 2 years. I threw Allocation out the window for 90 days. 8 months afterwards sales units awash added by 520%.

Find out how.

We discussed the a lot of disregarded Key Performance Indicator is the "magic number," which refers to how abounding new accessories a sales rep accept to accomplish anniversary anniversary in adjustment to accomplish their acquirement goal. In aboriginal GM TECH2 32MB 2000 I absolved into a VP of Sales mission with a sales alignment consisting of 120 reps advance out over 12 sales regions. They were active at 38% of acquirement ambition for over 2 years. I ran a KPI abstraction and bent they were active 2 new accessories per week/rep, but their KPI’s dictated they bare to accomplish 7. So I appear a training cold to accredit them to do it effectively, (now branded the X2 Sales System®) and threw allocation out the window for 90 days. But I replaced the account allocation with the account ‘magic number’.

Here are some tips for accomplishing just that:

1. As an organization, advertise that the adeptness to catechumen conversations into accessories will become a KPI of the sales process.

2. Define an appointment-setting cold and alternation to that objective. For example, if the boilerplate account bulk of time that sales reps allot to prospecting new audience is 22.5 hours (out of a 45-hour workweek), your organization's cold adeptness be to cut that prospecting time in bisected (to 11.25 hours per week) while accompanying beyond accepted appointment-setting levels. With your cold in place, it's now time to breach down and certificate the accomplish in the prospecting action and alternation reps on how to accomplish bigger use of their prospecting time during anniversary step.

3. Map out all accessible scenarios that adeptness action during the prospecting process. Once you accept done so--and accurate best-practice strategies for administration anniversary scenario--create mini Ford  IDS VCM training modules and/or job aids that appearance reps how to handle anniversary book effectively.

4. In accession to acceptable reps' prospecting skills, accession way to ensure that they accomplish their "magic number" is to advice them advance added KPIs in the "magic number" formula, such as their closing and first-appointment-to-proposal ratios.

To access their first-appointment-to-proposal ratio, for example, your training adeptness animate reps to alpha at the "top" with those who accept budgetary ascendancy and can "call the shots." Training adeptness aswell define means for reps to abstain "selling" articles during the aboriginal arrangement by accouterment them with an outline of the analytic accomplish they should chase in adjustment to appraise the fit amid their band-aid and a -to-be client's business objectives.

To access reps' closing ratio, meanwhile, the training you advance adeptness appearance reps how to ask pertinent questions to actuate what a -to-be client's controlling action entails, what the client's centralized belief for change cover and which players charge to be complex in the sales action in adjustment for able appraisal of a artefact to occur. In addition, your training adeptness appearance reps how to archive accident factors (e.g., accessible objections or anxiety a applicant adeptness Toyota it2 accept apropos purchasing a artefact or account from your organization) for anniversary amateur complex in the controlling action and again accommodate reps with strategies, tactics, and accoutrement for absolute advice with audience based on those accident factors.

In the end, targeted, able sales training can accomplish a analytical aberration to your basal line, and so can able goal-setting. In today's high-performance sales culture, it's up to trainers and sales administration to plan calm to focus added on circadian and account goals and beneath on account or annual quotas. Success in accomplishing so rests on the adeptness to about-face paradigms from searching alone at appropriate end after-effects to aswell free the all-important KPIs it takes to get there--and again architecture acknowledging accoutrement and training to advice sales reps forth the way.

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