Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Latest Car Diagnostic Doctor JBT Is Your Auto Doctor

With the fast development of science and economy, busline develops actual fast, abnormally for those who accept cars. Nowadays, abounding humans own cars, some humans even accept several cars, and some humans change several cars during their life. In this case, it would be VAS 5054 alarming to accept a archetypal analytic apparatus for anniversary car, as able-bodied as money wasting. Today I acquaint you a car analytic doctor---JBT-VGP.

JBT-VGP is an accepted car analytic tool, for it can do about all the Asian, European and American cars. Then let's see some basal advice about this cool auto analytic tool.
It is the OE Supplier for VW, Audi, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Southeast …….;It has the aboriginal agreement for these cars, so it can apprehend about all the functions for these cars, such as immobilizer, account reset, injector programming, and added functions.

Universal Car analytic Doctor JBT-VGP is blush screen, self-learning function, admonishing function, and calmly online advance function. Let's see its blueprint in detail:
Self-learning & Judgment action can advice apprentice the accepted abstracts streams of cars automatically, whose abstracts streams can be acclimated in approaching as accepted scopes. With these scopes, JBT-CS Series can advice assay whether the abstracts streams of any aforementioned affectionate of cars are accustomed or not.

1. Any JBT-CS Series auto scanner can apprentice the abstracts streams of cars as anon as affiliated to DLC of advantageous cars. Explanation: If we accept the cars that alive well, we can almanac and lexia3 pp2000 abundance the abstracts streams of the cars and the abstracts streams can advice set the best and minimum ambit automatically due to the calm abstracts from the advantageous cars.

2. Comparing abstracts streams and allegory
Explanation: If we adjustment the aforementioned affectionate of added cars, we could use the abstracts beck calm from advantageous cars to do the allegory with the abstracts streams getting tested. If the abstracts streams getting activated are above the scope, it will affectation with appropriate colors in adjustment to acquaint aliment humans that the abstracts streams are abnormal, technicians can adjudicator what is amiss with the cars by the accent items.

3. Rename the abstracts streams which accept been learned.
Explanation: JBT-CS auto scanner food positions for users to abundance the abstracts beck of altered cars.

II. Over-Scope Alarm Display
JBT-CS auto scanner food the advertence ambit that accepted use if cars are idle. If the cars move, if the can clip interface abstracts beck is above the advertence scope, it will be displayed with appropriate blush in adjustment to advice aliment humans adjudicator cars problem.

1. Advertence ambit analysis.
Explanation: JBT-CS has advertence ambit that accepted use if cars are idle. It is acceptable for users to analyze the abstracts beck getting activated in adjustment to adjudicator cars trouble.

2. Admonishing blush display.
Explanation: The advertence ambit supplied by JBT is the accustomed ambit if the cars are idle. If the abstracts beck getting activated is above the scope, it will be displayed with appropriate color, acceptation the abstracts beck is not normal, aliment humans should assay the cars troubles according to the abstracts streams which is displayed with color.

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