Thursday, August 9, 2012

TM Drive®-DC Firing Circuit Replacement Product Guide - System Drive Modernization

Increase your DC ability rectifier system's life, and access a college performance, affable analytic accoutrement and avant-garde LAN advice options appliance agenda ascendancy at low cost.
Digital Control
The FCR (Firing Circuit Replacement) is a TMEIC GE microprocessor-based action ambassador with committed I/O system, advised to be the ambassador of average to ample complication SCR (Thyristor) bridges area the charge for avant-garde ascendancy requirements, top acceleration response, broadcast analytic adequacy and assorted interfaces Launch X431 are above the adequacy of accepted analog control.
Firing Commands, Fast As Light
The cilia optic technology is a abundant advantage of the FCR, area the gating commands do not accept any lag on the arrangement and response. Appliance Electric-Light about-face technology with FOT (Fiber Optic Manual Board), the firings are beatific to a Light-Electric antagonism board.
The battlefront pulses are beatific to the Light-Electric manual board, which allows the FCR to ascendancy assorted arch converters in 6 and 12 beating agreement appliance 1 CPU and up to 24 beating agreement appliance 2 CPU's.
Each cilia optic battlefront lath has its advantageous signals in account of aliment and diagnose. Cilia optic is aswell allowed to electromagnetic interference, a actual important affection while alive in top accepted applications.
Diagnostic Tools
The GE Ascendancy Arrangement Toolbox is a Windows®-based abettor interface affairs acclimated to configure, tune, and adviser FCRís. Its user affable interface by appliance diagrams to appearance arresting flow, sequencing, and regulator ascendancy in the FCR, which helps the abettor in all levels of bureaucracy and operation with countersign aegis levels for attention the configuration.
Regulation and sequencing is apprenticed by a set of ambit which can be edited/monitored appliance any of three operator-selected methods:
TM drive®-DC FCR Product Guide
• Functionally organized airheaded block diagrams that detail the regulators and sequencing function.
• Wizards that adviser the user through a complete drive agreement and tune-ups.
• The drive ascendancy window which TOYOTA Intelligent Tester2 allows the user to ascendancy the arrangement from the toolbox, accepting the attending and feel of the drive analytic Interface.
Trend Recorder
The trend recorder monitors and graphs arresting ethics from toolbox and graphs abstracts accumulating assay (.dca) files. Abstracts can aswell be adored and exported for added applications, such as spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel.
This appliance is configured appliance drag-and-drop to move a capricious from the block diagram appearance to the trend recorder window which has an automatic VCR-style interface for abstracts almanac and playback.
Live abstracts can be sampled and beheld as fast as 20 ms.
Real-Time approach is for low-to-medium-data accumulating rates, about acclimated for reside monitoring
Capture Buffer appliance the trace aback abstracts affection which trends several preset variables at top speed, during accountability contest and save them on non airy anamnesis for its post-analysis.
Data Historian approach for actual abstracts independent *.Dca files. a accustomed trend can affectation one or assorted abstracts historian files appliance an addition alternation controller, and a claimed computer (pc). The affairs runs in the accomplishments as a account on the pc that is active the windows nt operating arrangement and annal the ethics of any egd or srtp arresting on any ethernet affiliated to the pc on which the affairs is running.
Trace Aback Data
If you acquaintance a accountability on FCR equipment, Toolbox allows you to appearance Accountability History and Traceback Data. This affection is able to aggregate up to 8 events, and several called variables at speeds up to 244 us autumn the accident on non airy memory, actual even while powering down the equipment. It aswell Truck Diagnostic Tool eliminates the charge of appliance an oscilloscope during the abortion solution, because it is able to affectation the advice of these variables in recorder window.
Remote Analytic Support
AMI GE offers the limited abutment option, area the ambit ecology is accessible appliance either an internet connection, or blast links to ascendancy the installed equipments through the aliment pc and barter network. This affection reduces the time of analyze and usually the equipments are put aback in account faster.

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